Good morning sponsors
You are hereby invited to attend the opening cocktail party to the Vanuatu Golf open 2017
Venue; the Holiday Inn Resort
Date: Tuesday 29th August 2018
Time: 6.30pm
This is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the wonderful support provided by all of our sponsors and for the payers to get to know who you are and become acquainted with your products and services
We look for to seeing you on Tuesday and also at the pro Am on Wednesday at the Golf Club.
Of course throughout the week of golf we welcome youo preascnce at the course and the marquee and importantly to attend the presentation of trophies and the final dinner on Sunday 3rd September
You can confirm you attendance by clicking the link beloe
If you wish to place any signage on the course you need to confirm this early so that we can allocate space to suit your needs. Your banners and other signage of course maybe placed in the marquee. Call Bryan on 5577034 to discuss your requirements
​Merchandise.. Required at TMS Office Numba 3 by Monday am
If you would like to include some items for the players kits that they receive at registration then please note that we require 140 of any one item to cater for all of the players kits
Pro Am
Draw has been done and you can access this via the following link
Have a great Golf Week
Bryan Death Chairman VGO Committee