After a year off in 2015 thanks to Cyclone Pam the PGA of Australia has again agreed to sanction the Vanuatu Golf Open in 2016.
The VGO Committee after consultation with the Port Villa Golf and Country Club agreed to approach the Australian PGA to see if we could garner their support for the event even though our prize money in 2016 would only be AUD$30,000.
The PGA were keen to sanction the event and advertise it to their professional data base across Australia. Professionals entering the event will play for the prize money offered but will not accrue order of merit points as the prize money needs to be AUD$50,000 for a 4 days event for that to happen.
The committee has issued invites to a limited number of professionals however this is now opened up to any professional wishing to enter the event.professional should enter the event via the Australian PGA.
The VGO Committee will be working hard in the upcoming months to both stage yet another successful VGO and to look to be able to lift the prize money for the event to the AUD$50,000 mark in 2017.
there is a number of amateur groups agin booked to come this year and the course is playing at its best for some time following the success of the Seniors Masters 3 day event in May this year.
If you have not yet entered you can do so by downloading an entry form from our website .
Entries can be sent to Melanie Spann our Treasurer
For more information on the event contact Bryan Death